Another installation on Cameron

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That's right, I've been reading about this Ubuntu damage or reduce the live of HardDisk on laptop's, Ubuntu is a great distribution, I think is better than openSUSE, is usefull, funny and easier, but after buy the DVD's of Etch I've installed on Cameron, I had a lot of problems installing but today Cameron is running Debian in the beginning I installed Etch but I update and now I have Lenny ;)

Tu hija es más guapa y más fácil

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After read this post i make my mind to install Feisty on my notebook
for 2 years i was user of openSUSE, but now not anymore

Dani California

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I like so much this song, I think is a good video, make me remember other rockstars. Can you see who are they? peppers Rules!!! enjoy it If you want download some mp3 of Stadium Arcadium of Red Hot Chili Peppers click here

All of My Love

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Three weeks ago I had been very drunk after I promised a post. I said things that meant strange, you mentioned it, I'm sorry, I've liked to said in the correct moment, only I want you know that all I told is real and honest. I've thought leave you the song of the last saturday, but isn't my kind of music so the important thing is the meaning or message of the song, that is fact I think and I feel. I hope You like it Approximately 7 years ago 11 days 4 hours and counting that I know that the angeles exist.

zune =! ipod

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One time n3o asked me what is the difference between Microsoft Zune and Mac ipod, and my answer was: the price XD, but He told me "no mames" I'll give an example, He said that: when your Zune breaks you say: "not problem I'll buy another", but when your ipod breaks you feel sad ;( because you loves ipod, that is the difference explained, in that moment was only a comment of drunkenness so I didnt put attention.
But now I shatter my ipod, I understood that n30 wanted to say, On three weks ago traveling whith my brother and for some reason we hired a yellow cab to take us at the bus station, but the cab driver is a great "pendejo"(well I won't talk about him, only I'll give one recomendation, You never trust in a person that You know is irresponsable), so this son of the ... arrived late at my house and we needed arrive at time of course, so immediately We arrive at the bus station got by "en chinga" to take the bus, but when I getting by cab the cab driver didn't stop correctly and hit me in my right leg and it didn't hurt me because I brought the ipod in my pant bag so my ipod was damaged. And here was when I understood the n3o's example about the diference between zune && ipod, ;( ;( ;(

One Script more

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The computers in my work (around 800 GNU/Linux ofcourse) something doesn't detect the network configuration when te Operative System start, so we need to go to fix that, that's not problem, the problem is betwen 50 and 60 computers everyday lost the configuration and we need to fix it manualy, the problem is when i'm reading or studyng some manual, so here i leave one script to do it automatic, only edited crontab to execute all the day on intervals of one hour.
# Author: ll!z0
# Name:
# Date: Sat Jun 16 23:12:37 2007
# Description: Script to restart Network Config
# Use whith crontab

#rm /tmp/ping*

a=4 b=0 c=3

ping -c3 > /tmp/ping.dat

sizefile=$(ls -s /tmp/ping.dat > /tmp/pingsize.dat  awk '{print$1}' /tmp/pingsize.dat)

if [ "$sizefile" -eq "$b" ]
echo "Size of ping.dat: $sizefile restarted net configuration">> /tmp/RND.log
/etc/init.d/network restart

cat /tmp/ping.dat  grep receive > /tmp/package.dat
paqsend=$(cat /tmp/package.dat  awk '{getline; print(substr($4,1,2))}')

if [ "$paqsend" -eq "$b" ]
echo `date` " restarted net configuration -$paqsend-" >> /tmp/RND.log
/etc/init.d/network restart

if [ "$paqsend" -eq "$c" ]
echo `date` " net configuration is correct -$paqsend-" >> /tmp/RND.log

Read VS Read

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Sometimes my boss make me a question what is the diference between read and read?, there is not difference, i answered him, the only difference is if you understand what you read... And this stupid text so that? I was looking for how pass a directory whith ssh
# scp file root@host:/root
there is no problem with a file "el pedo" it was pass a directory, i read and read manuals without to find the answer, here this the important "the difference is if you understand what you read..." the problem was solved whit the parameter "-R"
# scp -R directory root@host:/root

Writing on NTFS Partitions

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Support for NTFS in GNU/Linux was for a few years, read only, but in the actuality we can write on this, so here i leave a litle guide, how i gave support to write in partition NTSF under openSUSE 10.2.

Install NTFS write support We need add this repositorie or search and download the packages of internet.
In order we will install the following packages:

* fuse * ntfs-3g

Mount NTFS partition

Now edit the file /etc/fstab and add an entry, the filesystem will be mounted automatically at boot, now define the mount point directory (i.e. /mnt/C)

/dev/sda1 /mnt/C ntfs-3g user,users,gid=users,umask=0002 0 0

if you want mount a NTFS partition manually, we will use the ntfs-3g command especifying the disk partition as NTFS

Cameron:# ntfs-3g -o ro,gid=users,umask=0002 /dev/sda1 /mnt/C

If you can't find the ntfs-3g package in the repositories, try search and download the source from web site



The Strokes

· 4 Comentarios

Last days i was listening music of The Strokes, so here l leave some videos of The Strokes, this rock band was founded 1998, but jump the fame in 2000,
A discography:
  * The Modern Age (EP)
  * Is This It
  * Room on Fire
  * First Impressions of Earth
So without more "preambulos y Jaladas" :-)
Heart In a Cage Reptilia Juicebox

Repositorio Local

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Resulta ser que para no estar metiendo y sacando el DVD cada vez que quiera instalar software en mi openSUSE, solo saque una iso del DVD (gracias a "dd") y la agregue como repositorio desde YAST :-), ahora ,me di a la tarea de hacerlo con debian, ya que el equipo que tome no tiene grandes prestaciones ademas carece de unidad de DVD y NO se le dejara una, puesto que solo se usara para pruebas y una aplicación web, así­ pues me dispuse a googlear y encontré lo que buscaba aqui, aunque yo lo hice así:
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/mnt/debian-31r1-i386.iso
echo "/root/debian-31r1-i386.iso iso9660 ro,loop 0 0" >>
echo "deb file:///root/debian-31r1-i386.iso/ sarge main" >>

­ agredesco al autor de esta guía por compartirla :-)

Linux ScreenSavers For Windows?

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Is possible? YES, How? Easy Why? beacuse GNU/Linux is generous Our only have to go here and enjoy!!! I don't have much time for write in my blog, so here I leave one Link for us

Un Pantallazo mas

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He aqui unos pantallazos de mi "Cameron" (como la he llamado, en honor a la bella Cameron Diaz)

Regalo de Cumpleaños

· 3 Comentarios

Después de que en una rifa en el trabajo perdiera una LapTop por andar de borrachito :-( decida mejor hacerme mi auto regalo de cumpleaños sin mas palabras he aquí mi nueva adquisición:

Recuperando información

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Resulta que en el trabajo seguido tenemos perdida de información de usuarios debido a que algunos discos duros ya tienen mas de 3 años en chinga, por tal motivo se han ido dañando y por ende la perdida de información, ahora bien me eche un clavado a RIP LINUX, que es una distro hecha especialmente para recuperación de datos, en la revista Todo Linux en su edición No.61 hay un buen articulo sobre recuperación de datos con RIP LINUX.
NOTA: Este texto se hizo con la versión 12.4, cabe mencionar que RIP LINUX puede correr desde una memoria USB, que es con la que se hizo esta prueba.
* Antes que nada descargar Rip LINUX y un script de instalación * Instalar RIP LINUX en la USB esto está mas que documentado aquí
Pero de manera general: -- Crear una partición FAT32 en la memoria
# mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/sda1
-- Instalamos la imagen:
# sh RIP-12.4.iso.bin /dev/sda1
-- La hacemos arrancable con el comando:
# syslinux /dev/sda1
* Una vez que tengamos instalado RIP LINUX en la memoria USB, preparar nuestro equipo para que arranque desde usb si es que tiene la opción si no también se puede hacer desde un mini cdrom * Ya dentro de RIP LINUX lo que se intento fue montar el disco dañado y recuperar la información. Para solo lectura
# mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt/win
Para escritura
# ntfsmount /mnt/win -o dev=/dev/hda1
Sin dar resultado, seguía marcando error, se opto por probar con otra herramienta también disponible en RIPLINUX (TestDisk), pero nada y el, pedo seguía,
Así pues después de una intensa búsqueda en las paginas man y en el oráculo encontré esta variante del comando "dd"
NOTA: Se usaron discos de exactamente el mismo tamaño, aunque si el disco destino fuera mas grande igualmente funcionaria
primero, agarrar la mayoría de las áreas sin errores: # ddrescue -B -n /dev/hda /dev/hdb
luego, tratar de recuperar lo más que se pueda de las áreas: # ddrescue -B -r 1 /dev/hda /dev/hdb
Con eso el disco original ya no arranco el puto windows, pero con el disco imagen jalo porque jalo y se pudo recuperar la información

About Me

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Soy Un Wey Aliviniado, prefiero tener cuates que amigos OGT con los OGT's

