zune =! ipod

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One time n3o asked me what is the difference between Microsoft Zune and Mac ipod, and my answer was: the price XD, but He told me "no mames" I'll give an example, He said that: when your Zune breaks you say: "not problem I'll buy another", but when your ipod breaks you feel sad ;( because you loves ipod, that is the difference explained, in that moment was only a comment of drunkenness so I didnt put attention.
But now I shatter my ipod, I understood that n30 wanted to say, On three weks ago traveling whith my brother and for some reason we hired a yellow cab to take us at the bus station, but the cab driver is a great "pendejo"(well I won't talk about him, only I'll give one recomendation, You never trust in a person that You know is irresponsable), so this son of the ... arrived late at my house and we needed arrive at time of course, so immediately We arrive at the bus station got by "en chinga" to take the bus, but when I getting by cab the cab driver didn't stop correctly and hit me in my right leg and it didn't hurt me because I brought the ipod in my pant bag so my ipod was damaged. And here was when I understood the n3o's example about the diference between zune && ipod, ;( ;( ;(

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