The Lizard King

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Listen, you two-bit fucking actor.
You underestimate the audience.
Face it, Jim.
You're not gonna be remembered.
You think all they want is...
two cars and a house.
But you're wrong.
- You know what they want?
- No. Tell me.
- You really want to know?
- Yeah, tell me. What?
Something sacred.
That's what they want.
Something sacred.

PosInstall Fedora

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Install repositories Livna

rpm -Uvh rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-livna Mejor Repositorio yum install yum-fastestmirror Clicks with Touchpad (if you have a laptop): Download and install this package rpm -Uvih synaptics-0.14.6-8.1.fc9.i386.rpm 3. Reboot and enjoy your clicks In order to install Codecs non free, fonts, player, K3b, etc, Just install easy life

About Me

Mi foto
Soy Un Wey Aliviniado, prefiero tener cuates que amigos OGT con los OGT's
